Activating salt for Hydrosana, Foot Spa and Bioenergiser devicesDosage: A small teaspoon, about 3g after the treatment. If the device reports an error, reduce the amount of salt.Ingredients: Sodium Chloride 41%, Potessium Chloride 41%, Magnesium Salts 17%, Trace Minerals 1%, Silicon DioxideMade in: ..
Aid for scalp regeneration, "Good Looking" hair powder, which is of natural origin and instantly covers every hair. Hair immediately seems stronger, thicker, thicker. With the "Good Looking" hair powder, your hairstyle will instantly get a lush look for the whole day.Good Looking Hair Powder is a na..
Znanstveno potrjeno dejstvo je, da boste z večjo količina kisika v mišicah imeli več energije in hitrejšo regeneracijo. Booost je najbolj uporaben za športnike, ki so zmožni na treningu ali tekmi doseči in preseči maksimalno izčrpanost...
Cimet se že tisočletje uporablja ne le kot začimba, ampak tudi kot naravno zdravilno sredstvo in afrodiziak. že tedaj je bil cenjen njegov poživljajoč učinek in delovanje na pospeševanje prebave...
Ice Power Hot heating gel warms and relaxes muscles and speeds up blood circulation. The gel is intended to help with peripheral circulatory disorders, various types of pain and non-inflammatory pain and tension. Ice Power Hot heating gel is a great product for preventing sprains and tears in athlet..
Tactile x7 je dvostransko, samostoječe namizno ogledalo. Na eni strani 3x, na drugi strani 7x povečavo. Ogledalo je pregibno kar omogoča enostavno menjavo strani ogledala...
Treat yourself to a pleasant feeling of warmth and well-being with the LANAFORM foot warmer!The soft velor foot warmer will keep you warm on cold winter days. You will find it difficult to leave a warm bed. The LANAFORM electric cushion is a high-quality product that offers long-term satisfaction.Fe..
Je zelo enostaven za uporabo, opremljen s 1,8-litrsko posodo, ki se zlahka napolni in namesti. Samodejno deluje več kot 8 ur in zagotavlja otroku mirno noč...
Improve your mood with light therapy!GENIAL LIGHT is a device that produces light, which is very much needed for the well-being. Is an effective and practical means by which replace natural svetlobo.GENIAL LIGHT simulates natural sunlight without the harmful UV radiation (approximately 10,00..
A wonderful magnetic bracelet made of quality 316L stainless steel with inserts made of organic Germanium GE 132 and inserted magnets with a strength of 2500 Gauss, will have a beneficial effect on the well-being and activity of your body with the already known magnetic action. On top of that, the b..
Bio cold-pressed oil for feeding babies and children BYODO for complementary feeding of babies and toddlers, extra soft. The oil is a special mixture of two oils: rapeseed oil and sunflower oil, which are deodorized. It is adapted to the recommendation for the ratio between essential fatty acids ome..
Otroški ultrazvočni Vlažilec zraka MIXY Lanaform z visokofrekvenčnim oscilatorjem, s pomočjo ultrazvoka, razgradi vodo v fine delce s premerom 1 do 5 ìm...
SANITAS heating pads for the body SHK 55 Easyfix (59 x 30 cm)SANITAS heating pads for the body SHK 55 Easyfix (59 x 30 cm) is a versatile heating pads for neck, back, abdomen and joints...
Back Gym lahko sestavite v le nekaj minutah, njegova hramba pa je preprosta. Udobne blazine vam omogočajo, da raztezate zgornji del trupa, kot tudi nudijo popolno sprostitev in povečano prožnost. Naslon za glavo se vrti in podpira vaš vrat, kar zagotavlja maksimalno udobje...
Ultrazvočni vlažilec in ionizator, ki omogoča tudi aromaterapijo. S pomočjo visoko frekvenčnega oscilatorja vodo razdeli v kapljice s premerom približno 1 do 5 μm,ventilacijski sistem pa le te razprši v obliki hladne in odišavljene meglice. Lep in koristen dodatek v vašem domu...
Medical device2in1. capillary blood sampling lancets that are reliable and comfortable with an extremely small 33G needle. Lancets are suitable for trigger devices of 2in1, 3in1 and MultiCareIn meters.Features of the lancet:Extremely small sting;Less pain;Unhindered injection;Accurate needle length...