Tactile x7 je dvostransko, samostoječe namizno ogledalo. Na eni strani 3x, na drugi strani 7x povečavo. Ogledalo je pregibno kar omogoča enostavno menjavo strani ogledala...
Treat yourself to a pleasant feeling of warmth and well-being with the LANAFORM foot warmer!The soft velor foot warmer will keep you warm on cold winter days. You will find it difficult to leave a warm bed. The LANAFORM electric cushion is a high-quality product that offers long-term satisfaction.Fe..
Je zelo enostaven za uporabo, opremljen s 1,8-litrsko posodo, ki se zlahka napolni in namesti. Samodejno deluje več kot 8 ur in zagotavlja otroku mirno noč...
Improve your mood with light therapy!GENIAL LIGHT is a device that produces light, which is very much needed for the well-being. Is an effective and practical means by which replace natural svetlobo.GENIAL LIGHT simulates natural sunlight without the harmful UV radiation (approximately 10,00..
Otroški ultrazvočni Vlažilec zraka MIXY Lanaform z visokofrekvenčnim oscilatorjem, s pomočjo ultrazvoka, razgradi vodo v fine delce s premerom 1 do 5 ìm...
Back Gym lahko sestavite v le nekaj minutah, njegova hramba pa je preprosta. Udobne blazine vam omogočajo, da raztezate zgornji del trupa, kot tudi nudijo popolno sprostitev in povečano prožnost. Naslon za glavo se vrti in podpira vaš vrat, kar zagotavlja maksimalno udobje...
Ultrazvočni vlažilec in ionizator, ki omogoča tudi aromaterapijo. S pomočjo visoko frekvenčnega oscilatorja vodo razdeli v kapljice s premerom približno 1 do 5 μm,ventilacijski sistem pa le te razprši v obliki hladne in odišavljene meglice. Lep in koristen dodatek v vašem domu...
Moony moisturizes the children’s bedroom, soothes it with the function of night light and enchants it by projecting the moon and colored stars onto the ceiling.Maintaining a relative humidity level in the bedroom of between 40 and 60% helps reduce the proliferation of viruses and bacteria and soothe..
Because your child is the most valuable member of your family, LANAFORM designed the Pommy humidifier with a diffuser of organic essential oils.Nothing is more important than your child’s well-being, so LANAFORM has designed the Pommy humidifier. With its two-in-one formula, hktrati is a moisturizer..
Lanaform electric foot warmer offers a pleasant feeling of warmth and comfort due to its highly efficient heating system. The feet, like the hands, are the first to feel the cold. In fact, blood as one of the body's limbs circulates less there. Because the blood supply there is weaker, less heat is ..
A commitment to your healthWe breathe approximately 20,000 times each day, representing a daily requirement of 12,000 litres of air. The quality of the air we inhale in this way has a direct impact on our well-being: air that is too humid can give rise to health problems (allergies, asthma, etc.), w..
Combining design and efficiency, the Breva air humidifier guarantees an optimum humidity level indoors, thus maintaining our health and well-being. The use of central heating during the winter months keeps the inside of our buildings warm and comfortable, but it also encourages dry air to build up w..
A commitment to your healthWe breathe approximately 20,000 times each day, representing a daily requirement of 12,000 litres of air. The quality of the air we inhale in this way has a direct impact on our well-being: air that is too humid can give rise to health problems (allergies, asthma, etc.), w..
A simple, natural solution to sleep disorderIf you suffer from a sleep disorder, you know only too well that falling asleep is a critical moment. Whether you suffer from circadian rhythm disorders (advanced, delayed, irregular) or from night time awakenings, falling asleep is a delicate phase that c..
FINGER MASS Lanaform massage device gives you a real sense of wellbeing and comfort, without leaving your home. Finger Mass is an innovative concept which simulates shiatsu massage thanks to 4 artificial fingers designed to imitate the pressure exerted by a masseur's fingers (light or firm..