MEDISANA electromagnetic stimulator TENS / EMS / ACUPUNCTURE TDP
The device MEDISANA TENS / EMS / ACUPUNCTURE TDP provides natural pain relief without side effects by stimulating the nerves through the skin . Allows settings for therapy against pain ( TENS ) , acupuncture electrode and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS ) .
To strengthen muscles
For electrical stimulation of muscles in the body that weaken after surgery. The use of over- even in the muscles and because of asymmetric training .
TENS activates the body control mechanisms and gentle electric currents trigger the release of endorphins , whose mission is to alleviate the pain. Endorphins are in fact the body 's own defenses against pain.
Product description:
- 100 programs;
- 4 modes ( TENS , EMS, Deep TENS , acupuncture ) ;
- TENS for pain relief ( 10 programs ) ;
- EMS for muscle stimulation (77 different programs ) : endurance, building muscle mass , bodybuilding , strength training , aerobics, muscle tone , contraction , fat burning ( fat burning ) , circulatory system and rehabilitation;
- Deep TENS ( 5 different programs ) ;
- Possibility of individual adjustment of intensity , frequency and pulse width ;
- 4 electrodes 30x50 mm ( option to purchase electrodes 50x90 mm ) ;
- Acupuncture ( 8 different programs ) ;
- Simple and safe to use ;
- No side effects ;
- Blue lighting display.
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